In any SEO strategy, it is more than necessary to use tools to search for keywords. But the problem, especially for freelancers or companies with a low budget, occurs when you have to pay for the services of these tools.
But do not worry, there are tools that allow you to do a keyword search for free and with excellent results. In this post, we will introduce you 7 of them, let’s start …
This is the most important free tool to make a keyword research and I recommend it to be your first option. Keyword Planner tells you how many monthly searches a specific keyword has on Google, depending on the country and language you choose.
In this way, you will be able to know if the word you have chosen can give you visits or not. Of course, it would not make sense for you to work on a keyword that has zero monthly searches, because if it does not interest anyone, it will not generate visits to the website.
Keyword Planner has the added advantage of being a tool of Google, so it is the one that provides more reliable data on monthly searches that a keyword has in this search engine.
Google Trends is another keyword tool, created by Google with a very specific objective: to know the trend of a keyword, that is, how its searches have evolved over time.
But how does this tool help you? Easy, see if the trend of the keyword is positive and if you are interested in using it on your website or blog. Obviously, if the trend is positive it will be advisable to use it. Simple, no?
Google Search Console tells you the keywords by which users came to your web page or blog.
This information can come as a surprise in many ways, since you may have used some of these keywords, but at the same time, it may happen that keywords that you are not using appear. In these cases, I recommend that you do it because you will increase the visitors that access your page through that search.
This platform is practically the same as Google Suggest, the only difference is the way in which the information is displayed, which appears in vertical format and allows you to select the most interesting, and then obtain a table that takes you to the favorite tool of forecast and observation of traffic by keyword.
You can see that the results are different from those of other applications, so I recommend using several to compare results and know if it is a really good idea to use a keyword long tail or keyword before you start writing.
This tool uses the same method that Small SEO Tools provides to make us a selection of more relevant results based on our search.
In addition, you can download the list directly in an editable format and then take it to your favorite keyword search tool in just a couple of clicks.
Found is a tool that allows you to find new keywords based on the combination of several words. Its main attraction and advantage at the same time are that it makes the combinations automatically and, therefore, it will save you the time of doing them manually.
Imagine that you have a rental business of houses or apartments in several cities or countries. With this tool, you can make combinations of keywords type: Rent of houses + the preposition + Cities.
This tool does not provide information about the monthly searches of a keyword or the trend, so we recommend that, when you have the list of combinations, you can use Keyword Planner and Google Trends to obtain this information.
And finally, we will go to the tool that both experts and children, mothers, fathers, uncles or grandparents use every day without knowing that it is a keyword search, yes, as you are reading it, ready to know what it is?
This tool is not specific to what you might need to be more professional, but I could tell you that it is incredibly useful. You can expand your horizons by getting better keywords for your content.
If you do not know how to get these keywords, now it’s very easy: go to Google, start writing anything and a list of words will appear just below the search engine.
And that’s it! Google Autosuggest is a very interesting and intuitive resource to show you which are the most searched words or phrases in Google. It’s a very simple way to get information to start creating your content.
To finish, we believe that with the use of these 7 free keyword search tools, you can develop a search for keywords in a practical way and without any cost that will be very useful to start positioning your website in the seekers
Brooklyn SEO Expert – CG Media