Anchor text, the key to improve your link building – SEO
The anchor text, is the one that works as a hyperlink or link from a content to your website, being classified as external (from a foreign website) or internal (within our website).
This time we will focus on external links, as it is an important part of our link building or off-page SEO strategy, known as 0ff-page SEO, since it helps us to position our keywords and gain greater authority.
As we have pointed out, there are internal and external links, and this time, we will focus on the latter, we will show you some of the different types of anchor text and their importance, depending on the positioning strategy you choose.
Types of anchor text
The various types of anchor text will allow us to have more or less freedom to use our keywords, which will require more or less creativity when writing our texts, then we will write about the most used ones.

The exact keyword
It is also known as the money keyword or the keyword to make money, since we use the word to position as such, to ensure better performance when positioning ourselves. The problem with this strategy, the words should be read naturally and in moderation, otherwise, we could be penalized by Google.
Synonyms or related words
This type of anchor text is ideal if what we want is naturalness and texts that are read relevant, especially why Google gives importance to semantics in the terms used in our content. Being able to write more naturally allows us to make content more entertaining and get regular readers.
The brand link
This refers to the name of your company, your internet portal or, your name; This gives you the greatest liberties since we do not revolve around a series of words, but about your brand, so at first, if we abuse the repetition of this, there are less risks of penalization by Google.
With the passage of time, this anchor text will give us more authority, because if you make your content to be liked by the public, it is likely that they will look for you directly by name in the search engines.
It is important to mention that the text you choose is not exclusive, since you can combine, for example, your brand with some keywords.
For example: Wikipedia helps you learn!
Long Tail Anchor Text
It is also known as the phrase anchor, since it seeks to position long terms, this ensures less competition, but at the same time, fewer searches, this is ideal if you bet on quality instead of quantity.
It is widely used when looking to make sales through content, an example of a long tail is “the cheapest hotels in Mexico”, if we are talking about a travel agency for example, you will probably have a low number of clicks, but the that come to your website, they will surely have a high willingness to buy.
The generic
This hyperlink is generally a call to action, and they are not focused on positioning, but rather to guide the user in our content or to give them the necessary push to carry out some action.
Examples of this anchor would be the phrases “click here”, “more information” or “see more». Generally this would not be an anchor text to choose as the basis of our strategy, but as a complement.
The URL, also called “the naked link”
This is about mentioning our web address but without using its full technical extension, that is, it is not necessary to use the “www” or the “https: //”. Instead, we can shorten it using for example , without the need for the aforementioned extensions.
Just as there are other types of anchor text, however, these are the most used and practical, so you know, define your strategy and choose the anchor text that best suits your content on other sites.
CG Media – Brooklyn SEO Company